What’s the Difference? Uninterested vs Disinterested
The words disinterested and uninterested are sometimes used interchangeably. But this is widely considered to be incorrect usage. Don’t be uninterested, find out what the difference is.
Uninterested (adj.)
Someone who is uninterested does not feel excited and is unwilling to be involved.
"Emma is uninterested in James even though he is very rich."

Similar words:
indifferent, apathetic

Disinterested adj.)
Disinterested means not influenced by selfish reasons. Someone who is disinterested is uninvolved and receiving no personal advantage. They are therefore unbiased and able to act fairly.

'Since the judge knows the defendant, she cannot be considered a disinterested party in the lawsuit."

Similar words:
impartial, unbiased, neutral
Confusingly, in the earliest recorded use of the words around 1600, they took on opposite meanings. Disinterested originally meant “feeling not interested”. And the original meaning of uninterested meant “impartial”, passed directly from the old French word désintéressé.

Through the 17th and 18th Centuries, the words began to take on the meanings we now accept as correct usage. Disinterested now meant “impartial”, while uninterested meant “indifferent”.

This complex history reflects the two meanings of the word interest. Interest could mean a feeling of excitement, curiosity or enjoyment. For example, “She has an interest in watching horror movies”. But interest could also mean an involvement, benefit or reward. For example, “The law is too strict and not in the public interest.” or “Directors of a company should not have an interest in its competitors.”
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